When Matric Rewrite Applications Open Every Year

If you are not happy with your current matric results, you have the option of rewriting. Matric rewrites present you with an opportunity to improve your Matric results should you feel the need to. So when do matric rewrite applications open?

Matric results can have a massive impact on what you do after school. If your matric exam results are not to your liking or you feel you can do better, you have the option to rewrite.

Matric rewrites are helpful to individuals who may have failed or did not get the marks needed to get into a higher education institution or programme they wanted.

There are 2 examination periods for matric rewrites which occur during May and November respectively. Candidates will need to register online and when made available, download and follow the exam timetable provided by the Department of Education.

When do matric rewrite applications open?

Applications for Matric rewrites during the May/June examination period open in January/February while applications for the November/December examination period open yearly in September/October. The specific dates will be announced on the Department of Education’s social media channels and website.

Who qualifies for matric rewrites:

  1. Candidates who have written their October/November exam.
  2. Candidates who were absent from an examination for a valid reason (illness, death of an immediate family member, or other special reasons) You will need to provide proof and relevant documentation to your school principal where the registration form is submitted.
  3. If a candidate missed one question paper for a particular subject, they will be required to complete all the question papers for that particular subject.
  4. If an irregularity is being investigated in relation to your marks, provisional enrollment can be granted pending the outcome of the investigation.

If you qualify and want to write your matric, you may register manually at any provincial education office (which includes the provincial head office, the district office, or a circuit office) or online at www.eservices.gov.za.

Those who are in search of assistance when preparing for Matric rewrites can have a look at the Second Chance Matric Programme. When you enrol in this programme you will gain access to online resources which will help you prepare for your examination.

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